Communication skills are key to achieve good results
Advance Afrika is enhancing skills in communication and digitalization with a 2 day interactive training program, facilitated by technical advisor Dr. Mark Degner, seconded from the German organization Bread for the World.
The workshop program served as a refresher and also a learning unit to foster internal and external communication and apply digital technologies in all project activities. With little theory and more practical exercises the participants have been engaged in realistic media interview situations, how to handle conflict scenarios, how to gather and structure information to write content for articles or postings on social media platforms.
A strong focus was on benefits of digitalization and use of digital media. Advance Afrika will strengthen digital skills of staff and make use of new technology. CEO Sharon Atukunda emphasize the importance: “Digitalisation has reached all areas of our society. It is therefore important to permanent update skills how to create meaningful and easy to use digital services for our project beneficiaries, but also to enhance our marketing and fund raising activities.”

These capacity initiatives come along with a new Communication and Digitalisation strategy in Advance Afrika, which will be developed in participation with all staff to assure maximum commitment. As a first spin off the new Digital Media and Data Protection Policy for the organisation will be published soon to match Uganda data security requirments for NGOs.